“Changing the world starts
with an idea”

Natasha is an unwavering optimist who believes in affirmative action. Her close association and affinity with the UN Global Goals has resulted in a genuine effort to revive momentum for sustainable development. When she founded The World We Want, she leveraged her successful forays working with multi-sector partners to create disruptive and powerful movements underpinned by the SDGs.

Her lifelong advocacy for sustainability, climate action, gender rights, and global health-related causes is the foundation of her leadership style.

Through her network across geographies of domain experts, NGOs, philanthropists, celebrities, businesses, and governments, Natasha demonstrates how each individual and organisation can wield significant influence for positive action.

The Origination of The World We Want

Tracing Natasha’s lineage to her great-grandmother, we find a woman who was a respected community teacher in Punjab, North India. In 1944, she tragically died of Tuberculosis, a disease that is preventable and curable today. Back then, fear, stigma, and limited medical progress led to her isolation during her illness. It wasn’t her family’s indifference, but a sad reflection of the 1940s’ limited understanding and treatment options for the disease.

When Natasha’s grandmother lost her mother at the age of two, she had to grow up navigating societal norms without the compass of her mother’s wisdom. Leaving school at 10 and marrying at 15 were not so much forced choices, but due to unawareness of the spectrum of possibilities that could have been available to her. Today, with 130 million girls worldwide out of school and 15 million never even entering a classroom, her grandmother’s journey inspires Natasha to question: What might have been different if her great-grandmother had been there to guide her grandmother?

The stories of Natasha’s great-grandmother and grandmother serve as poignant reminders of the interconnectedness of health, education, supportive environments, and opportunities in determining a person’s path. This narrative of resilience and empowerment is a significant part of Natasha’s heritage, inspiring her to launch The World We Want to empower communities with the knowledge and compassion to create change and transform lives.

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