“My advice is always: Business for good is good for business.”

Natasha believes that profit and purpose are not two mutually exclusive concepts. She has proved quite the opposite by working with businesses on their purpose, environmental impact, and corporate social responsibility agendas – guiding corporations to walk the talk when it comes to delivery. This helps demonstrate the win-win between business growth and an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy, and turning organisations into effective advocates for people and planet.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of strategic relationships she has built over the last two decades, Natasha adeptly bridges the gap between private investors, family offices, philanthropies, and institutional financiers, to curate opportunities where investments can catalyse positive societal change.

Natasha has also delivered integrated communications strategies for large conglomerates, helping them take their brands to new frontiers.

With a finger on the pulse of developed and developing nations, emerging horizons, and markets on the edge of evolution, she knows how to turn brand challenges into opportunities with cross-geography, cross-domain, and cross-talent business solutions.

With an acute understanding of Global North and South dynamics, Natasha also served as the global communications strategist for the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council to promote trade, innovation, and investment among its 54 member states.

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